Malu Ornelas / AlfaAgency recently presented 'Gods, Myths and Detritus', an editorial and creative direction proposal questioning the pace and impact of the environmental crisis (based on empiric data and journalism) and the irresponsibility and lack of human awareness in the food chain bringing  risks and expectations of survival of the aquatic ecosystem. The visual artist's questioning "human negligence is so destructive that even the Gods are rendered powerless." When people ask me what role storytelling plays today in advancing dialogues about the environmental crisis and the crises of humanity, one could  answer: "it's exactly this one." Bold and Innovative.

Text: Roberta Tavares

Fotos: Malu Ornelas

For more information, photos, assignments and comissions, please contact Malu Ornelas:

GODS, MYTHS AND DETRITUS- Aquatic ecosystems and the critical chain crisis by Malu Ornelas - 2