Clara Sampaio is investigating the social urban planning phenomenon called pendulum meaning the everyday movement, the everyday roundtrip of the workers in the mass transportation system.t In the urban trails (subways and inter-commute trains) transiting between the cities they sleep and the center cities where they work, the faith and the bare minimum earnings for surviving the month, they seem to be the main motivators sustaining the chain.

In the case of the capital Rio de Janeiro and its dormitory cities, which survive on the margins, the focus of life on the rails is on commuting for business and leisure trips.

In the Metropolitan Region of Rio, almost 70% of the jobs are located in the central areas. While 85% of the population is in the satellite cities that serve as bed - and where the economy does not rotate.

Public transport policies favor individual modes, which these 85% cannot use. Part of these 85% captive users of the rails.

Inside and outside the cars, in the train and subway stations, segregation is also observed. The entrance and exit systems at the stations that often refer us to the corral system.

A little denunciation, a little poetry, the images bring these numbers to life. Who are these people, and under what conditions do they move? Fractions of lives from the perspective of the human relationship with the rails. Captives of the system.

For more details, photos, commissions and assignments, please contact Clara Sampaio

Editor: Roberta Tavares